Shaw Island

The smallest of the ferry serviced islands.

Shaw Island has a County park, a historic general store, and a post office at the ferry landing. A library and museum are located near the middle of the island.

The University of Washington also owns property throughout the island, notably the Cedar Rock Reserve on the south side of the island. The stated vision for these properties are “to maintain and restore native biodiversity and ecosystem function and to facilitate education and research that is consistent with these goals” and “to maintain important parts of the cultural landscape.”

Shoreline access is best at the Shaw County Park. There are 11.5 miles (18.5 km) of asphalt and 2.37 miles (3.81 km) of gravel public roads on Shaw. The primary roads are three loops in the interior of the island, with branches to the ferry dock, Shaw Island County Park, Neck Point, and Broken Point


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Traveling with Dogs

WELLBEING AND SAFETY Wellbeing Checks. Bring your pooch to the vet’s for an examination before going on a broadened trip. Verify every one of his inoculations are cutting-edge; shot records with you. Wellbeing confirmations are required for carrier travel. To keep your canine sound as you travel, bring along a supply of his general nourishment and some neighborhood, or packaged, …

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Friday Harbor Film Festival this Fall

FHFF carries forward the momentum of the past two years’ successes. In addition to award-winning documentary films and special events, Q & A periods with the filmmakers will enrich and engage participants. Five venues within easy walking distance of the ferry terminal present the opportunity to discover the historic waterfront town’s galleries, museums and shops without a car. The 2015 …

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